The Paris Aligned Agreement is a historic international agreement aimed at combating climate change. It outlines objectives, characteristics, and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for global collaboration. The accord emphasizes enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience, and reducing vulnerability to climate change impacts. Countries are encouraged to develop and implement adaptation strategies in line with their national objectives. Each country submits its NDCs(Nationally Determined Contributions), outlining its climate action plan and commitments to reduce emissions and enhance adaptation efforts. Regular reporting ensures transparency and accountability. A global stocktake occurs every 5 years to assess progress and inform further actions.
Resources for tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement targets, such as the UNFCCC Paris Agreement Progress Tracker, the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), and the Climate Action Tracker. Significant climate adaptation activities from throughout the world, highlighting worldwide efforts to adapt to climate change and strengthen resilience in vulnerable places.
Addressing climate adaptation challenges requires a comprehensive approach, collaboration, and a forward-thinking mindset. Climate adaptation is crucial for mitigating the effects of climate change, but executing effective strategies presents numerous challenges. These include insufficient funding, understanding specific hazards and vulnerabilities, institutional constraints, complex systems, risk tolerance, technological and behavioral levers, and economic and societal adjustments. The notion of nature-based solutions (NbS) and their relevance to climate adaptation It explores what NbS are, how they help with climate adaptation, their worldwide influence, and the role of politicians in supporting NbS initiatives. There are problems associated with establishing large-scale NbS initiatives, as well as how governments may support these projects.
In Bangladesh, the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP) was initiated in 2009 to improve resilience in agriculture, water resources, health, and infrastructure. Key features include promoting climate-smart agricultural practices, constructing cyclone shelters and embankments, and setting up early warning systems. BCCSAP has enhanced adaptive capacity and reduced vulnerability in affected communities. The Great Green Wall Initiative in Africa addresses climate change-related challenges such as desertification, land degradation, and food insecurity in the Sahel region. The initiative aims to build green and productive landscapes in 21 African countries, planting drought-resistant trees to restore degraded land, providing sustainable lives for local communities, addressing desertification and promoting biodiversity. The impact of this effort has restored millions of hectares of land, improved food security, and increased resilience. In Singapore, the Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) incorporates natural drainage into urban development, creating green spaces, rain gardens, permeable pavements, managing stormwater runoff sustainably, and increasing urban biodiversity. The impact of SUDS has decreased flood risks, improved water quality, and increased urban liveability. These case studies demonstrate that proactive adaptation efforts can provide beneficial results, even in the face of climatic problems. By addressing these challenges, countries like Bangladesh, Africa, and Singapore can work together to mitigate the impacts of climate change and ensure sustainable development. #Author – Roohi Bali